Well...it is almost here. We are down to counting hours. We simply cannot believe it. Is there such a topic as the eve of the last day of school? We all had butterflies 180 days ago...unable to anticipate what the day would bring - never mind the whole year! Kindergarten was the start of the big time. The end of the preschool years. Now, we are ending kindergarten and it will be the start of the NEW big time - first grade.
At the beginning of the week, we made a list of all the things we had to revisit and do before the end of the year. We have made a big dent in it...but...well... tomorrow we will give it a try. We are receiving hastily scribbled 'love' notes and last minute hugs.  There have already been a few tears. But, we look forward to next year when half of the new first graders will be our former double-k-ers that hug and smile and say...'Remember?'
We look forward to seeing our dkers growing and blossoming next year.

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